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Alfie's new start.....

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Alfie's new start..... Vide
PostSubject: Alfie''s new start.....   Alfie's new start..... Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2009 4:01 pm

I picked Alfie up on Monday night because his owners no longer wanted him. They "didn't have the time or inclination to do anything with him"!!! His skin was infected, he had lost a lot of his coat and the rest was filthy and matted.....

Alfie's new start..... Pic001
Alfie's new start..... Pic002
Alfie's new start..... Pic003
Alfie's new start..... Pic006
Alfie's new start..... Pic007
Alfie's new start..... Pic010

Alfie has now been moved to a long term foster home to be nursed back to health. His foster mom has fallen in love with him, and I have a feeling he won't be going anywhere!
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Alfie's new start..... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Alfie's new start.....   Alfie's new start..... Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2009 4:41 pm

Very Angry Why do people do this sort of thing?????????? I know Westies are prone to skin conditions but this is just plain neglect!

I hope he will be happy and loved in his new home gdlk Alfie
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Alfie's new start.....

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